Tips on Building Strong Transformational Mentorship Relationships

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As one can imagine depending on the
personality styles and values of the individuals involved the mentoring
relationship can take many forms and follow many processes.  As long as the
people within the relationship find it rewarding and effective we really can’t
say that any one process or format is more effective but it is important that
both people fully understand and are agreeable and committed to it.




It is important in the beginning for the
mentor and mentee to explicitly confirm what one another’s expectations of the
relationship will be.  How do they personally define mentorship? What goals or
outcomes would they like to achieve?  How involved will they be in each others
life professionally or otherwise?


Structure and Process


Do you meet in person? On the phone? Mentor
while golfing or skiing? How often do you meet?  For how long are the meetings?
All of these questions should be agreed upon early on.


Some of the foundations of the mentoring
process are important are:


To identify each person’s values, style and
preferred method of communication

Set SMART regularly to focus the

Remember that mentoring is transformational
and that most of the goals should be focused on building the mentee’s talents
into strengths

Have a way of recording and checking on
commitments made

Set a regular time or frequency of time to
check in; you may not need to meet every three weeks but at least check-in with
each other to keep the relationship strong and current


Commitments & Rules


It is vital to confirm and agree upon what
commitments we require from one another.  Some mentors have no problem working
through in-action or continually broken promises by the mentee while others will
end the relationship if the advice they give isn’t heeded.  Neither of these
mentors is wrong, it’s a values thing.  The key to ensure that both parties are
aware of each other’s personal rules and that commitments are firmly put into
place and recorded.


Shane Gibson is President
of Knowledge Brokers International
Systems Ltd
. and author of

Closing Bigger the Field Guide to Closing Bigger Deals
and High Impact
Mentorship – The Transformational Mentor’s Field Guide. e-mail or call

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