3 Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Secrets

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Last week I posted Guerrilla Social Media Marketing secrets 1,2 and 3. There are 19 Guerrilla Marketing secrets and after chatting with Jay Levinson he gave me the go ahead to share a few more. So here’s secrets 4,5 and 6 based upon my interpretation of Jay’s 19 secrets:

3.    Consistent – Don’t change your identity.  Brands, relationships, trust, and technology all take time for adoption and acceptance. Be consistent with your message and on-line social media identity.
4.    Confident – You must be confident and instill confidence in the customer.  Use social media to listen to your customers.  Jay says, “Service is anything the customer wants it to be.” Listen! He goes on to say, “Quality is what customers get out of your product. “  This is great information that can help you provide specific, on topic, brilliant solutions to your target market’s pains.
5.    Patient – Be patient. Be patient with yourself, it will take you time to master the Guerilla Marketing “Weapons of Social Media.” Be patient as you build a community online, build roots and a foundation that will be un-shakable.  Be patient with your target market, they will rush in to use and engage in social media, but they will do it in their time-frame.

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