How do I conduct powerful sales discovery calls?

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Keenan in his book GAP Selling says it well when he talks about where most salespeople fail. Many focus on closing better but the big issue is that they’re failing to “open” effectively. Opening is about conducting a really effective discovery call. Effective discovery calls are one part needs analysis and one part leading a new thought process.

Move from explaining value to being a person that partners with others to create value for them.

When I talk about leading a new thought process it’s about asking your prospect or client questions that get them to expand their thinking and look at their situation in a different context. Hearing their story and getting them to expand their story is vital – if we are going to move from explaining value to being a person that partners with others to create value for them.

Understanding your customer’s story through discovery calls

Here’s a video excerpt from one of by B2B selling keynotes talking about the power of understanding the your customer’s story:

The key take-away here was well summarized by Jon Ferrara when he said “people buy better future versions of themselves or their company.” Tapping into their desired future state or helping them see what powerful future state they could have is vital. Great questions and focused conversations can do this.

On qualifying prospects…

Too many sales discovery calls focus on qualifying the customer. Qualifying is a bit of a joke in most cases. Qualifying assumes the client knows the root of their problems, is ready to deal with them, and sees the importance and the value of creating a better future. Most don’t come to the table with a fully aware, ready to buy mentality. In many cases you have to create such a compelling desire and business case that they are motivated to sell to solution and go find the budget internally. That’s your job as a sales professional and it’s a process, not a magical close or a script of 8 questions we ask.

If you’re looking for more detailed direction on the order, cadence and type of questions you can ask in a discovery call or needs analysis I cover it in detail in my podcast episode “Sales Questions that Close Deals.”

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