Sales Podcast: Daily Disciplines for Massive Sales Success

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Today’s sales podcast is on how discipline is the secret ingredient to massive sales success. Why I call it a secret is it’s not obvious to a lot of people that what they’re missing isn’t sales process, methodology, tactics or luck… it’s the lack daily disciplines that is holding them back from massive sales success.

Jay Conrad Levinson author of the Guerrilla Marketing series of books said this about consistency:

“Mediocre done consistently beats brilliant done once every time.”

When I am delivering my sales training or sales keynotes I find many people are excited to learn what’s new in the world of sales success, only to be surprised to learn that they already “know” the best practices. What most need to do to improve their success is simply be more consistent with their best practices in sales.

In today’s sales podcast we also talk about:

  • Peter Thomas’ paperclip or 18-6-3 rule for sales success
  • Top habits from an 8-figure sales producer
  • The importance of focusing on both sales KPI’s and personal wellness KPI’s
  • The power of commitment and follow-through

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